£49 inc VAT

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  1. You are being charged £49 inc VAT

  2. You will receive ongoing emails to be alerted when updates to this product take place. You can unsubscribe at any time to halt future email.

Email us anytime at [email protected] or reply to any of our emails anytime you need anything at all.

You also agree to the following terms and conditions:

By purchasing this programme from us, you agree that we can contact you in the future, use your data/information to deliver our services or related content, and that you alone are responsible for your results in life so you waive liability from us for your actions. Below is the detail of that agreement.

Data Storage and Use

We, Rooted London Ltd. (Pandora Paloma), collect your information and can be contacted anytime at [email protected]. All of our data use, terms, and privacy information can be found at https://www.pandorapaloma.com/privacy-policy and https://www.pandorapaloma.com/terms-and-conditions  You can lodge any complaints with us via that same email, or request to be removed from our email lists, phone lists, or advertising targeting, too.

When you submit information to us, Pandora Paloma, we use it in an ongoing nature to ensure you receive the information or purchases you've made with us, to deliver relevant future content via our email newsletters, to track how much you use our sites or services, and to make future offers through our company or any other company that is involved in delivering your purchases, bonuses or content. By giving us your contact information now, you are granting us the right to contact you in the future in any manner necessary at our discretion for ongoing personal and professional development.

When collecting your payment information via this site, we are using a third-party software (Kajabi) that encrypts and processes your payment securely via Stripe. Their terms and conditions can be found on their respective websites. 

Third Party Data Use

We never share your information with any other company. 

As most of our programmes are for ongoing educational purposes in the career advice field, and you are making a purchase related to that field, you should assume we will continue to contact you in perpetuity via email or via social media in order to deliver our services, serve you requested or related content, make recommendations, learn about your preferences, grant you free products, deliver programmes to you with or from other platforms or companies, advertise to you or similar audiences, send you surveys, or contact you for any other related fulfilment or marketing purposes. By using our site(s) and submitting any information with us now, you agree to these terms without exception and agree not to attempt to hold us liable or make any claims against us for any use of your information, in perpetuity, under any circumstances. Again, if you do not want us to store, share, or use your data, just tell us via email.

If you want us to no longer contact you or store your information, just write us at [email protected] anytime with your request and we will begin removing you from our services or content immediately. 

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2024 Strategy Mastery: Create a Rock-Solid Strategy for Next Level Success

You've landed at the foundation of your next-level...
If you've never even thought about a strategy, build one and then never stick to it or can't seem to piece together the elements to make it work, this is for you.
This training is THE planning session you need to map out the what, why and how of your 2024 business strategy.
Over 2 hours I take you through exactly how I map out the year top-line and into the detail of what I consider across my marketing and sales strategies, launches and timeline and processes, systems and automations.
You'll walk away with:
- A rock-solid pipeline plan to make 2024 your best year yet.
- Insight into the best strategies and practises that will have you actually seeing the results you want to see.
- A guide to creating marketing and sales strategies that work and feel good.
- Templates and resources to make building a strategy easeful.
- Insight on current marketing trends and how to use them.
- Plus a behind the scenes of the House of Paloma brand, strategy and 2024 plans.
Once you have purchased you will receive access to the masterclass replay and the handbook to support your next steps.
See you there!
Pandora x